Reflective Journal #2: : 3R’s Campaign – Challenges to Sustainable Development


3R’s concept is a familiar campaign or concept that usually hear almost every year. Many campaigns will execute by Governments and Non-Government bodies in Malaysia. Basically, 3R’s campaign is Reduce, Reuse and Recycle Campaign which first R refer to the reduction of the quantity of waste generated at source, by reducing the amount of product and the type of product used. It also refers to the reduction of the use of natural resources. This means we need to pay attention to the items that are bought, produced, and discarded. While reuse refers to the repeated reuse of goods, and in doing so the generation of waste and its disposal can be reduced. Meanwhile, recycle refers to putting something in a cycle. We recycle by segregating waste, and then channeling it to organizations or factories that reprocess it into new products for our use. I hear about this 3R’s concept for the first time is in my primary school. Back then, my teacher ask us to bring our old newspapers, unused beverage cans, unused boxes for recycling by the National Solid Waste Management Department (NSWMD) that came to our school to pick up the recycle item in our school. When we brought that recycle item, we also can get some money after the recycle process.

There are 6 colors bins to differentiate wastes

Now, after growing up I realize that 3R’s just a campaign that not all Malaysian like to do it. NSWD made colors bin in many places include shopping mart, recreational park, even in institutions but some of user just ignore the symbol at that bin and just threw anything without follow the symbol there. As I explain above, this campaign should decrease many problems to sustain our environment but with ignorance some of Malaysian there are still many percentages of successful to sustain our world. An article from Berita Harian with title “Malaysia is Still Lagging Behind in Recycling Practices” this article shows that even the execution from government is still can not get awareness from some of Malaysian. Is that the campaign from government is still not enough or the mentality of Malaysian itself that not aware about what happened towards this world nowadays. In week 10 of SDG courses, we learn about challenges to sustainable development, there we get new explanation that is something missing in concept of 3R’s it should be 5R’s concept which are Refuse, Reform, Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle for a better sustain to our environment. With adding refuse and reform that means refusing helps eliminate a lot of waste from the start while reforming needs us to redo or redesign the things before we established it. From that, we can produce an minimal number of waste because we do filtering in the first part of it. As example we can repack and redesign the packaging of food that will come with compostable material and safe to environment. For non-biodegrade things we can renew the old one with product and components designed disassembled and regenerated because what if the goods became the resources of your future. So, we can implements this new concepts in our daily life to sustain our environment and this world.

The Concept of 5R's




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