Reflective Journal #1: SDG and ME


17 Sustainable Development Goals

Sustainable, Development and Goals: Issues, Principle & Practice (SDG) is a new subject in IIUM since student’s class of 2020/2021. We compulsory need to learn this subject because it is university requirement. The Rector of IIUM did this subject to demonstrate the importance of sustainable development’s principles and practices and will also include Islamic perspective on Sustainable Development. It reaffirms IIUM's resolve to make a difference in transforming the university based on the whole-of-institution approach (Dzulkifli Abdul Razak,2020).  At first for me SDG’s course is just a subject where we learn about nature, plants and building, but it is more than all of it. We learn what is the 17 goals of sustainable development, also sustainable development in Islam and how to practice it, other than that in this subject we also learn about maqasid shari’ah and sustainable development and many more. All of this course outline we also need to link it with Islamic perspective with supporting by verses of Al-Quran and Hadith about SDG.

            Back then, on early of my degree life when I took SDG’s subject many of my friends from other universities keep ask me why IIUM burden its students with subject like this. But after I learnt this course even not complete right now I just realize SDG play their big role in this world especially in this tenacious of earth today. Today, many of illegal logging, soil erosion and deforestation occur because they do not know the importance of sustainable of this world. They just do their focus to develop their country without know cause and effect towards this world in 5 or 10 years later. So now I realize the importance of learning SDG’s and Dr Dzulkifli big mission towards SDG. It was mentioned in Qur’an, Allah S.W.T said: "…And be good ˹to others˺ as Allah has been good to you. Do not seek to spread corruption in the land, for Allah certainly does not like the corruptors.” (28:77). This verse from surah Al-Qasas clearly mentioned that Allah’s does not like to who do destroy to His land (corruptors). With this evidence, it is clear that Islam is very emphatic on sustainable and it one of religious obligation, so we need to obey to not destroy this earth with our hands.

            In short, the questions that my friends keep asking me before, now I already found the answer after almost 10 weeks learning SDG. Learning SDG took me to open my eyes widely to see what happens in Malaysia especially towards the development of this country is just a development without any meaning or to sustain this country. With SDG’s subject I can interpret what is the meaning behind the many constructions especially in Malaysia.  


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