
Showing posts from May, 2021

Reflective Journal #2: : 3R’s Campaign – Challenges to Sustainable Development

  MUHAMMAD ALIFF NAJMI BIN SARIL (2028307) 3R’s concept is a familiar campaign or concept that usually hear almost every year. Many campaigns will execute by Governments and Non-Government bodies in Malaysia. Basically, 3R’s campaign is Reduce, Reuse and Recycle Campaign which first R refer to the reduction of the quantity of waste generated at source, by reducing the amount of product and the type of product used. It also refers to the reduction of the use of natural resources. This means we need to pay attention to the items that are bought, produced, and discarded. While reuse refers to the repeated reuse of goods, and in doing so the generation of waste and its disposal can be reduced. Meanwhile, recycle refers to putting something in a cycle. We recycle by segregating waste, and then channeling it to organizations or factories that reprocess it into new products for our use. I hear about this 3R’s concept for the first time is in my primary school. Back then, my teacher ask us to