
Showing posts from April, 2021

Reflective Journal #1: SDG and ME

 MUHAMMAD ALIFF NAJMI BIN SARIL (2028307) 17 Sustainable Development Goals Sustainable, Development and Goals: Issues, Principle & Practice (SDG) is a new subject in IIUM since student’s class of 2020/2021. We compulsory need to learn this subject because it is university requirement. The Rector of IIUM did this subject to demonstrate the importance of sustainable development’s principles and practices and will also include Islamic perspective on Sustainable Development. It reaffirms IIUM's resolve to make a difference in transforming the university based on the whole-of-institution approach (Dzulkifli Abdul Razak,2020).  At first for me SDG’s course is just a subject where we learn about nature, plants and building, but it is more than all of it. We learn what is the 17 goals of sustainable development, also sustainable development in Islam and how to practice it, other than that in this subject we also learn about maqasid shari’ah and sustainable development and many more. Al